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July 31, 2018

Hold firm to the values of human rights without forgetting those caught up in conflict they cannot control

We urge all activists and organizations with a focus on Iran to take the time to understand the impact of the US political posturing and the Iranian government’s response on the actual people inside of the county and from the perspective of Iran’s history and current climate. Our era is one that requires great strength in resisting authoritarian ideas that come couched in the language of freedom, security, and democracy. This is a time to hold firm to the values of human rights without forgetting the people who are caught up in a political conflict that they cannot control.
January 7, 2018

Corruption and Poverty Lead to Rage and Despair in Iran

"If I were not in prison, I would be in front of Parliament every day that the budget bill was under discussion. The members of parliament need to know that they are accountable to the people, that they represent the people, and that the eyes of the people are upon them."
April 2, 2016

Vandalism Marks ‘Schindler’s List’ Movie Night

"Last night we rented the film Schindler’s List. In one part of the film we saw how Nazi agents raided Jewish homes. There were terrible sounds of shooting and killing and destruction. You could see how family members were detained and the massacres begin. Little by little, I could feel the sounds getting closer and closer, combining with the sounds of gunshots and angry shouting."