
August 30, 2011

Man in the Middle: Google Becomes Dangerous in Iran

It all began with a simple message. An Iranian internet user was trying to connect to Google using the Chrome browser. Strangely enough, his browser flashed a message telling him that the security certificate he was using to access Google was not theirs. The user went to Google’s help forums to follow up on this and an investigation followed which uncovered a secretive, but highly explosive plot: a security firm in the Netherlands, DigiNotar, had seemingly provided a certificate to “someone” in Iran that allowed access to all secure traffic over Google within Iran.Security bloggers are reporting that the site may have been hacked earlier, in 2009. Screenshots of hacked pages are being shared via the internet. The links to those pages were available as recently as the morning (in Europe) of August 30th.Read more...
August 25, 2011

Google+ or Minus

This post is part of special series of articles focusing on managing your online security and privacy. The complete series can be found in Persian at this link: Are There Security Concerns for Google+?

Google+ is the newest effort from Google to break into the social networking sphere. Some claim as high as 20 million unique accounts have been made since its release just a few months ago. However, like any social networking website, Google+ is not without flaws. This post will try to address some of these issues to two different sets of people, those living under governments that sponsor large-scale censorship and those who live under relative internet freedom.Read more...