World Organisation Against Torture

April 12, 2011

Iran: Parliament ignores concerns of independent civil society organisations over draft bill

PUBLIC STATEMENT 10 April 2011 AI Index: MDE 13/044/2011 Iran: Parliament ignores concerns of independent civil society organisations over draft bill Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi […]
February 9, 2011

Wave of Repression in Iran

IRAN: Series of sentences, acts of judicial harassment and arbitrary detentions of human rights defendersParis-Geneva, February 8, 2011. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), deplores yet another massive wave of repression against human rights defenders and expresses its deepest concern over the arbitrary arrests, sentencing and judicial harassment faced by lawyers, journalists and other human rights activists in Iran.The Observatory denounces the intensive judicial harassment and arbitrary detention of dozens of human rights defenders in Iran, which merely aims at sanctioning the legitimate exercise of their work, amid a general crackdown against the Iranian civil society.